Great summary, thanks. These diehard germ theory hacks really are starting to embarrass themselves. They seem to lack the attention to detail and curiosity in the natural world to either understand or care about the arguments being made against their beliefs, because belief is all it is.

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I have been on and off and then on and then back on germ theory and then finally decided to make the hop to Just terrain and I'm staying here. I am no scientist but I know bullshit when I smell it. Terrain just cannot be wrong as far as I'm concerned. When they can proven replication and transmission with a pure virus isolate, then maybe I'll consider changing my mind. Great article, very well put together. Thank you

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I could have sworn i commented on this FABULOUS article. Thank you for compiling all the relevant material with links.

So Sin Lee is the SAME guy that Cowan has referenced in prior videos.... didn't Cowan say in older videos when describing this encounter him & Andy had that this guy was a Wuhan/CDC virologist??? Doesn't that alone sort of challenge his integrity? 😂

Also, I read this gem last night from Northern Tracey (shes brilliant, if you don't already follow her, you should check her out). I dont know how I missed this document in the past, but I found it quite fascinating.


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mRNA was discovered by the Soviets in the early 1980s, but they didn't dare to use it, because it starts an uncontrollable chain reaction. It's quite unlikely it's being used in public, but it's an excellent red herring:


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