Hello, Genki Man. First time to your page, and glad to find it.

When I first came across Mike Yeadon, he was under attack, being slammed around, discredited, etc. I felt pretty sure he was not a "fake" and I liked him immediately.

It's entirely possible, and clearly very likely, that many, many people working in the field of virology and related, are like Mike, unaware that they've been bamboozled like the rest of us. That Mike is so outspoken, so mortified about his role in all this "virus" idiocy, and so compelled to "fix" what his career has been about, that I trust him 99.9%. I think he's a good person.

And after nearly three years of reading and listening to actual experts with actual integrity, like "Andrew Cowan," lol, I am a total anti-vaxxer (never much of a vaxxer anyway), I'm extremely, EXTREMELY mistrustful of pharma, allopathic medicine aside from trauma practices and some surgeries, and I'm VERY much taken with the idea of Terrain Theory and am excited about watching that develop. Thanks, and cheers!

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I agree, most in virology are just doing what they have been trained to do. They don't walk in suspecting it is all fraudulent, they walk in expecting to be taught about viruses and how the lab procedures and software based genomic assembly are done. Only those who are willing to risk or give up their careers will question what is being done.

The terrain model has always made sense to me, but I didn't know that there was no scientific basis to gem feary. There are dozens of books and documentaries on pHARMa, I have now come to see it as one of the largest if not THE largest criminal organization in the world. I have recently seen the statistic that pHARMaceutial drugs are the third leading cause of death, half of those occur when taken as instructed, the other half are medical error.

With the failure of the quackcines, perhaps more and more people will realize what is going on and reject modern medicine when it comes to chronic conditions, as their drugs do not build terrain, they destroy it.

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Yes, yes, yes! Well said, and join the crowd that is learning all sorts of things we'd never imagined, even if we had some nigglings of something dark going on... Cheers.

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I knew he was coming around. Im happy to see this.

And I am hopeful that enough people will take this proposal seriously, if anything to improve the integrity of the science currently being done.... not that I expect any of the results to make it to main stream, but, ya never know.....

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What's the proposal? What do you suggest is making people sick?

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Best place to find out: Dr Sam Bailey's Odysee channel. Here are 2 videos to stsrt you off: "Are Viruses Even A Scientific Theory?" (Discusses the challenge also) https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/are-viruses-even-a-scientific-theory:2?r=fY5cPmcAFufchfaqJnkEUg3rQ1jvvDUx


"The Truth About Viruses" https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-viruses:a?r=fY5cPmcAFufchfaqJnkEUg3rQ1jvvDUx

Many, many other xlnt videos on her channel!

See also: Spacebusters channel on Odysee or BitChute, esp "The End of Germ Theory"

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Bailey says phages are real but viruses aren't, though they're the same thing and confirmed by the same techniques. It's lunacy.

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Phages & viruses are not the same thing. Please look into the terrain model.

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I'm willing to say some particles blamed for disease cannot be proven to be causal and that with "Sars Cov 2" no evidence has been provided that it is a novel entity, or perhaps an entity at all.

But some larger particles that are called viruses have been close to isolated, I think.

I don't think infectious disease is well understood or that a particular particle is the sole reason for disease, but there are categories of symptoms and sometimes apparent contagion which has led to the development of these classifications of syndromes.

It's a huge paradigm shift and requires collaboration with experimental biology and even virologists who have an open mind. I don't think every scientist who studies particles called viruses are corrupt. They think they are studying something and finding a causal relationship.

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Do you think work on Gain of Function viruses does not exist? Cause what you're doing here is covering for the crimes of Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, etc...

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That's not what my post suggests. I'm saying the evidence as I understand it does not show a causal relationship in the lab. The particle may exist but I don't know enough about the genetic sequencing and how it works. I studied molecular biology, have a bachelors degree in it, so have been trained in germ theory. However looking at some of the flaws in logic, have to re-evaluate the evidence. I don't have enough evidence.

I have no doubt criminals like Fauci have supported gain of function research, but whatever they develop might not have the desired effect. I said in my above post that virologists are studying something and they think they are isolating structures called viruses.

I don't know enough to make a definitive statement, my biases say yes viruses can be pathogenic in susceptible hosts but this is because of my training. In health care, I treat diseases in the infectious disease category that seem to be contagious to some, but not all. Not everyone "catches" something. I don't think this is well understood. I think they think they know more than they do.

What I do know is that they want people to fear viruses and disease, which is weird. Before this, people didn't really fear the flu, which is why they needed a new germ different from flu to make people afraid.

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The idea that if WE cannot prove viruses do not exist, then this means they exist, is ABSURD. The burden of proof is on those who insist they exist.

Prove to me that Keebler Elves do NOT exist! Aha, you couldn't do it! Therefore, they DO exist. Many people have seen them on TV. And there are strange happenings in the night that people have attributed to these Elves, who have left signs behind, things that correlate with the existence of Elves.

Interesting how pharma says correlation is not proof of causation when we point to vaccine injuries. HOWEVER, when it comes to viruses, (that people who have ZERO symptoms routinely test positive for) they claim that a modest association suddenly proves these particles (which ever one they are looking for) has been proven to cause the particular disease for which they are wanting to sell vaccines.

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Yes, their logic is quite faulty, and their assessment of correlation or causation is always in their favor.

In terms of existing or not, the difference in this case is that with lab technologies now, they can create what they call viruses. They can create the molecules, as we are told the mRNA quackcine is. Some people say SARS-CoV-2 is lab created. Ok, perhaps it is, but does it transmit from one person to another? If viruses are actually cellular structures created for toxin removal or cellular communication, there is no evidence that they transmit, and if they do, if they would cause any harm. The person on the receiving end may take it as communication or simply discard it. They would have us believe that these particles are like tiny weapons which we must wage war against, either with our immune defense system or with their safe and effective drugs and quackcines. An invader, war based world view.

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I don't think they have provided evidence of causality. The science that they have provided does not support this conclusion, that this particle is responsible for the disease (or hypothetical particle). If it is causal, they have not established that.

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And no virus has ever been isolated. And no contagion has ever been proven.


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I am concerned about Steve Kirsch's stance on this issue. He is currently fighting (like it is the hill he is willing to die on) to support pharma's sales pitch. He wants us to believe that whichever particle PHARMA tells us is the cause of disease, is IN FACT the cause, which is supporting their desire to justify the push for more vaccines.

It is a very sick direction for a "medical freedom" person to take. Very odd.

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Steve has a bit more waking up to do. He is currently unable to see the problems with virology in both method and logic. He has gone so big and bold on it, it will be a challenge for him to change. He did change his mind on the quackcine so there is hope, but it is not looking good right now. He wants to be right.

Like RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree, he has an organization VSRF (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation) that is based on the virus and he put money and time into his fluvoxamine trials. He, like Bigtree and RFK Jr. has more at stake than folks like us.

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This entire mess has turned into a BUSINESS MODEL for many of the biggest voices.

Much like the Cancer Foundation, once the problem is SOLVED they will go out of business. So the idea of the WHOLE truth coming out and solving it, does not sit well with some of them.

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Cancer is curable, and has been for a long, long, long time. Welcome to Murka! yark.

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EASILY and SAFELY curable!

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It has, perhaps on all sides of the debate. And, in a way, who's to blame them. People want to earn a living, especially if they have been banned from earning a regular income, or had their medical license revoked.

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Agreed. And you'd think that guys like these who don't even have a medical background would maybe not be quite so adamant about pharma, which has been questioned from the get-go, only suppressed. But I do think Steve is controlled opposition. If I'm wrong, I will accept that, but... My BS detector goes into the red when I see his words...

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I think not wanting to be wrong and having ones ego invested in something being correct is a common failing.

He has done a lot of good with trying to stop the injections.

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You can believe whatever you want. The action imperative is to oppose the bio-terror state.

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I think Steve Kirsch is controlled opposition. I have felt that way for a long time.

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SARS COVII is patented. I doubt it's a VIRUS, because viruses are a myth. "Transmission" doesn't have to happen between people, necessarily, it can be transmitted via chem trails, food, beverages, all sort of ways... But I suspect, since we've been groomed to dismiss chem trails for years and years as a "conspiracy theory," and because it's something IN THE AIR, it seems like a likely suspect!

I have read (and have no trouble believing) that DARPA came up with what is in the vaccine, so perhaps they also came up with "COV SARSII" as well. I read a book about DARPA, by Annie Jacobsen, well-written, and well-cited, and it came out in 2015, with the last part of it talking about how DARPA was now working on VACCINES... Gee, I wonder if the people who work on better and more ingenious ways to kill people might have been involved in some of this PLANNED GENOCIDE.

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Yes, and well... how do you prove a negative??

And it's well established, WAAAY before 2020, that the PCR is not a "test" for infection or illness.

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The proof is abundant. If you can't see it, that's okay.

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The proof of what? That the covid virus (and not the spike protein in the vaccines) causes disease? Or that it exists?

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"The idea that if WE cannot prove viruses do not exist, then this means they exist, is ABSURD. "

That would be absurd indeed. Who says that?

The proof is abundant that viruses exist. I refer here to viruses overall, not sars-cov-2.

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A virus is a particle that causes disease. So when people say viruses do not exist, what they are saying is that we have yet to see proof that the particle we are told is causing covid, is actually the cause of the symptoms associated with covid.

I am not going to argue that there is no particle that exists, and which is being called covid, Sars-cov-2, or whatever. I take issue with the fact nobody has been able to prove that this particle is in fact the cause of disease. Here is why I say this:

1. Millions of people who test positive for the particle called never have any symptoms.

2. The spike proteins, (which are the delivery system for the virus) have now been proven to cause tissue damage, i.e., they cause symptoms that are identical to what we are told is covid.

3. The CDC was caught red handed falsifying the covid death count, i.e., 94% of so-called covid deaths were in people with at least 2.4 (average) comorbidities, meaning 2.4 OTHER things that were likely the true cause of death, including bullet wounds;-)

4. The particle they are testing for appears to be ubiquitous, and it appears people who are in poor health to begin with, are the ones who get infected enough to actually die. It is possible that poor health is what leads to infections, AND and increase in the number of these particles being excreted.

As pharma always says after someone dies immediately after injection, correlation does no prove cause;-) Maybe, just maybe, we are all constantly bombarded with billions of particles, none of which become a problem (and infection) unless we are ALREADY in poor health, i.e., bad food, toxins, malnourished even though overweight, stressed, etc.

So the people who suspect viruses do not exist, I think are relying of the dictionary definition or the word virus, wherein the particle must actually be the CAUSE of disease in order to be defined as a virus. I see where they are coming from on that point.

Net: One cannot maintain a poor state of health and expect to avoid diseases because they took an injection, or avoided exposure to a particle.

Pharma wants us to believe they have the answer to avoiding disease. It is their argument that these infections are caused by these particles which they can make us immune to, if we take their injections. They are lying to us. If you are only testing for one particular particle because you WANT to blame symptoms on those particles, then sure, you can make almost any particle appear to be the culprit.

There is actually a higher correlation between low vitamin D levels and a "covid" infection (symptoms of covid) that any correlation between testing positive for this particle and symptoms of covid.

The vast majority of people who tested positive for the particle never even had any symptoms. But then, the tests were producing a 97% rate of false positives too, so who really knows anything? Flipping a coin would have been far more accurate.

One thing we CAN be sure of, is that there are too many lies to count, and this means we cannot trust anything else they tell us.

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Actually, I disagree, and there is AMPLE evidence that viruses DO NOT exist... Proving a negative is illogical. But showing proof of a claim of something DOES exist is required for claiming it exists. Nobody has EVER proven that viruses exist. Read the post! Were you not in agreement with this earlier up the comment chain? The "particle" you are trying to pin down is called an "Exosome." These are produced BY OUR BODIES when we are already sick, usually from something like bad food, bad water, nutritional deficiency, etc. These exosomes are created to assist the body in basically taking out the trash... They're like janitors, they help the body dump the poisoned cells or the toxins that are creating problems. They don't exist until people are sick, and that's how people with microscopes decided AH, THESE things weren't here before, they must be Enemy Attackers from Beyond...

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True the one claiming existence bears the burden.

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I agree, the particle if it exists as they describe has not been shown by their experiments to cause disease. That is correct.

Whatever disease this is, could be "contagious" or rather trigger disease in others, but again this can't be proven either.

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Although their is a lack of evidence for this particle causing disease, there is an ASTOUNDING amount of evidence that ONCE INJECTED, you are far MORE likely to come down with something they are calling "covid", and MANY other serious "problems", including actual DEATH.

Plenty of evidence points to the injections as a causative agent. Since the definition of a virus requires that it causes DISEASE, perhaps the injections fit nicely into the definition now?

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Bacteriophages and other particles that are larger, the entity I think has been shown to exist too. Not sure with so called Sars cov 2. I think that the function of those particles is still not fully understood.

I would like to learn more about the lab techniques used in the study of these particles called viruses.

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Since the definition of a virus includes that it is the causative agent for disease, it matters not whether these particles have been proven to exist. It does nothing to prove they are in fact causing disease. 12% of human DNA is made up of so-called viruses. We are in unavoidable contact with an endless number of particles at all times.

They are remaking the definition of a virus in order to get away with genocide by the needle. Poor health is what we must fear, not particles.

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Agreed. It is a money driven and agenda driving field, biomedical science. I do think these particles are involved in evolution.

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Thanks Brian. I do like Mike Yeadon. Top man. They'll have to shut him up soon. I hope he's got good security.

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Have you seen his wiki entry? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Yeadon

Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist[1][2] and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.[3][1] The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists"[4] and "a key figure in the antivax movement".[5]

He is not on MSM, so they may not see him as a threat right now, but they can just repeat the above and label him a conspiracy nut and misinformation spreader.

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Yeah, I'm well aware of how they are painting him. It just gives more credence to what he is saying in my opinion. Of course, they know that just changing his wiki profile is enough to keep most people away from him. I first listened to him 2 years ago and thought that he was one to watch and listen to. He has not let me down and has been proven right time after time. And of course, he is right. He just says to the masses what we already, unfortunatley, know.

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Viruses exist. We infected rana pipiens with LTV and they developed cancer. I maintained the culture slants.

Sars-cov-2 is a gain of function virus, most likely developed in Wuhan. Look at their publications. The trail of evidence is obvious.

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Viruses exist. We infected rana pipiens with LTV and they developed cancer. I maintained the culture slants.

Sars-cov-2 is a gain of function virus, most likely developed in Wuhan. Look at their publications. The trail of evidence is obvious.

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Yes, I am still digesting that. Jeff has a bit of a rough ride due to his choice to use the word virus. He evidently feels that is the most appropriate term, even though the official definition associates the concepts of pathogenicity and transmissibility. It may be more helpful to focus on those concepts as being in error, rather than focus on the word virus, but there is a lot of baggage that comes with that word. He does state that he accepts the fact that the meaning of the word may take a long time to be in accordance with truth.

Another issue with Jeff's view is that it is a view that is arrived at, not easily (or even possibly) proven by a few experiments as the processes taking place in the body cannot be seen. I do like his explanations, they make sense, but they do not serve the conflict mentality of a war on pathogens / viruses / disease, rather than a terrain oriented view. While that mentality remains dominant not much will change.

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Jeff seems like another person who is unable to take a realistic position. Hes another "in betweener", and his insistence on proclaiming viruses are real, but dont serve the function claimed by virologists is just absurd & honestly difficult to follow his logic & justification.

I was already confused about his stance on this, the fact that he seems to be an outcast - its almost like he's just too stubborn and chose to be difficult? I dont know, his choice of language is just very convoluted and difficult to follow logically.

Christine Massey recently called this out too.


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Aug 3, 2022
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Yes, it was a gradual shift. In this one from May of 2022: https://rumble.com/v15yzd4-cv19-virus-and-vax-about-control-not-health-dr.-michael-yeadon.html he says alleged virus and other comments like that. Now he says flat out the virus does not exist.

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